The Whole Sky, All at Once

You can’t look for the lightning
Dad said
or you’ll never see the flash.
He would pull the Buick out to the street
and we sat like crooked teeth
in the yawning maw of the garage.
A storm coming deliberately at us
and the tornado siren
wailing with a bored urgency
like the ambulance of the great plains.
We pulled over.

You can’t look for the lightning
Dad said
or you’ll always just miss it.
He would talk about seeing the whole sky
and we sat like crooked teeth
in the yawning maw of the garage.
We tried to look at nothing and everything
while the old corn across the street
whispered with a quickened urgency
like the dying secrets of the great plains.
We closed our ears.

You can’t look for the lightning
Dad said
or someone else will see it.

3 thoughts on “The Whole Sky, All at Once”

  1. So, there I was talking with your better half one day many moons ago, you were downstairs I think. I mentioned at how good of a writer you were and she concurred. I may not be able to read every entry, but I have you boomarked for future readings in the hopes to read more of what Mr. Havens has to offer this brave new world of ours. I’m ecstatic for you, the family, and friends as you allow us to sit in the passenger seat taking us along for the ride. The future awaits, amigo.


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