The PVP Diaries #54

Update 6-2

Missed you guys yesterday, but I’m just a guy who’s been sleeping in a little bit. Well, laying in is more accurate. But the extra rest has been welcome.

Speaking of laying, this is what lying looks like:

The county is using 8 indicators, 8 targets, to determine the need for and level of restrictions as we move along. I’ve shown you these before, and now we’re down to 2 of the 8 targets that are not being met. As before, it involves testing, which is voluntary, though they’re using clever wording and some sleight of hand to avoid pointing that out. This, as they say is how they get you:

Testing Capacity

They’ve called it “Testing Capacity,” which is a lie because that gives the impression that the target depends upon the County’s ability to administer the tests. An ability that carries the benefit of being attainable through measurable, material channels like resource availability and procurement. It holds the promise of “we will, as soon as we can.” But in fact, these numbers have nothing whatsoever to do with capacity, availability, readiness, or resources. Instead they rely entirely on the choices of individual people going about their lives, and whether they choose independently to go to the doctor if they feel sick.

Besides, the county website also has this update:

Testing availability in King County has increased. Anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms should get tested right away.

It’s a wildly layered misdirection. The metric itself is dishonestly named to appear as though our failure to meet it is a resource issue, but at the same time they announce the ability to test “anyone who has COVID_19 symptoms” “right away.”  Then, its fulfillment is based arbitrarily upon the way we wish people would behave. We’ll meet this target when more of you sick idiots go to the doctor. Soooo, if we stay locked down for a while, it’s our fault. What do the college kids call that? Gaslighting? I think that’s the word.

This isn’t moving the goal posts so much as it is turning them sideways. The opening is there, but you can’t get the proper angle on it.

He pulled a table and chair around the house, so that he could do schoolwork on the new patio. Makes me proud, that boy:

Homework on the patio

That’s all well and good, but there’s still a huge pile of dirt in the driveway that I need to dump somewhere around the yard. We vastly overestimated our needs. It’s ok because there’s more than enough places to put it, but getting it actually done is the miserable part. More wagonloads. More shovels.

The door is done, finally. There was a debacle involving a horrible stain/poly combo product that I knew was a bad idea as soon as I bought it, but the selection was poor. The first coat didn’t go on well, and it looked lousy, but I put on a second coat to see if that would improve things. It didn’t. I had to strip two coats and do a little more sanding, then finally go get a good stain and separate poly, and everything came out beautifully:


Olld door
It was not looking good

Done door

It’s a super-deep brown that they’re calling “tobacco.”

My wife had her first guitar lesson the other day. She’s rockin’ a mean Smoke on the Water. The Boy never took to piano, so he has one more lesson, then I’m sliding into his spot. We’re gonna be a weak little Partridge Family before you know it.

There’s actually a lot to talk about. The whole phased re-opening thing has many more facets to its development than I’ve touched on; the West Seattle Bridge debacle has been put out to bid (or will be soon), with numbers like 10 years being thrown around. Everyone is assuming, of course, that  this means a minimum of 10 years until we have a way out of town again, but further reading makes that a slightly less frightening number. As always, there’s more to it.

And of course there’s riots and curfews and all that, but I’ve said my little piece, and I’m done. As ever, we have a situation where the right side and the wrong side should be pretty easy to see, but we’ve used our tragic wits to turn virtue into sin, and sin into righteousness, and now the only thing that makes sense to me is to shut up and take care of my family.

Read between the lies, Comrade Citizen!

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